Now, my husband and I are definitely the products of our
parents. A true Meet the Fockers situation. On my side of the family, both
parents have worked in healthcare all of their lives, and both of my sisters
have ended up working in healthcare as well. I have trusted in the system all of my life, and I often have trouble believing that our government would knowingly allow manufacturers to poison us.
On my husband's side of the family, his father is a financial advisor and his mother is a holistic teacher. Things normally start out for us with watching a documentary on Netflix (never good). At the end of the show we normally sit there with our jaws dropped, and my husband's holistic side normally kicks in. We vow to make a change in our lives.
The next chance we get we go to the store ready to buy our healthy new future. We pass by our old toxic filled products, and come to our new, clean and green, twice as expensive products (womp, womp). This is the point when my husband's financial side normally kicks in. We decide, "Egh, that old product can't be that bad for us. We just won't use it as often", and walk out of the store empty handed.
At this point my medical side of the family kicks in, and I scour the internet just to see how toxic this product really is. "There is no way people are really exposing us to those chemicals" is what I normally say. The majority of the time, though, all of the information points to bad, and I then end up searching for cheaper, healthier solutions.
My husband and I definitely compliment each other well. We rationally decide what is the safest, most reasonable options for our family. I believe our solutions are not only healthier for us, but actually save us money. You can't beat that!
I do not consider myself to be an expert in this field. These are my own personal decisions. Please research every choice you make, and decide if it is best for your family. I hope this helps to point you into the right direction.
If you are just now deciding to make the change to chemical
free, I would recommend taking it one step at a
time. You don't want to go through
product withdrawal, and end up giving up before you even get started. You have been using most of these toxic
products for all of your life. A couple
more months will not make a difference.
Just deciding to make the transition is the biggest and best step you
could take.
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