Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Bread found in stores today is stuffed full of harmful ingredients and preservatives. Many of these ingredients have even been linked to an increased immune response and ADHD. Now, we don't normally eat a lot of bread in my house anyways, but sandwiches are always an easy go to for school lunches, so I needed to find a solution. 

I started out by trying to make my own homemade wheat bread. It was fairly easy to make with my bread maker, and I felt like it tasted pretty close to the store bought brands. The only problem was that it did not look like the store bought brands, and for kids, how a food looks is everything. My 7 year old even resorted to dumping his sandwich out at school to avoid having to eat the bread.

Next, I tried making tortillas because my son loves wraps. Again, I thought they turned out pretty good, but they were a real pain to make. I had to fry each tortilla which took me about an hour to make 1 batch. I do not have time for all of that.

Finally, I decided to do some research to see what would be the healthiest store bought bread option for my family. Most sites recommended Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread, and sure enough my grocery store carried it in the organic freezer section. Success!

The bread was around $6.00 which was pretty close in price to the Pepperidge Farm bread we used to buy. It contains a lot of wholesome ingredients like wheat, barley, millet, spelt and even lentils. Because the bread does not contain preservatives though, it should be kept frozen. Every couple of days I pull out a couple pieces and place them in a ziplock bag in the fridge to defrost.

The taste was comparable to most whole grain breads, but the best thing of all is my son will eat it. I feel much better about feeding this bread to my family.

Additional Resources:

Healthiest Bread Taste Test

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