Thursday, October 1, 2015


It's amazing how something as simple as cleaning the walls can make the whole house feel spotless. I do this often, and my husband thinks I must have labored cleaning all day long.

Now, there is a lot of debate on whether or not Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are toxic. From what I could tell, as of right now, they do not appear to pose any health risks. That being sad, I still don't like them.

I made the switch when I thought they were toxic, and I think what I use now actually works better. It cleans the whole wall really well, and I don't have a pile of sponge shavings on my floor when I am done.

All you need is 1 part vinegar and 1 part warm water in a bowl, and a tan colored sponge. Dip the sponge in the solution and squeeze out the excess. Scrub any areas that are smudged or dirty, and that is it!

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